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The Power of YES...and!

The power of YES and.

Yes Man, is a great Jim Carey Movie. It is also a technique used in improv comedy. "Yes, and.." thinking is a rule of thumb in improv comedy that suggest that a participant should accept what another participant has stated ("yes") and then expand on that line of thinking ("and"). It is used in business and other organizations as a principle the improves the effectiveness of the brainstorming process, fosters effective communication, and encourages the free sharing of ideas.

The idea behind yes and, is that it does not close off opportunity.

When we say no, there is no room for opportunity or for things to happen. We stop it from ever starting. So while the movie Yes Man, seems like a silly concept, it has the potential to create things you never could have imagined or even considered if you had said no.

Say yes and. It feels better. Notice how you feel when someone says yes to you. Notice how you feel when someone says not to you.

These word are powerful. Use them in your favor to create opportunity instead of cutting yourself off from infinite possibilities.

Yes leads to possibilities.

No leads to limitations.

Open up to possibility. See what happens. Say yes and live a life of NO LIMITS!

That is what we are all about. Getting you back to your best so you can live a life of no limits!