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My Favorite Skill to Develop in Our Clients

One thing that I have often thought about is that we need to look ahead to the future. Looking to the past is useful, however there is no looking back. Let's face it, given the way COVID continues to constrain many of us, there is no going back. Things have changed forever and now is the time to keep pushing forward and experimenting with a few things that may scare you.

If you do as you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten.

All of us need to realize that "going back to normal" not only is not going to happen, but is something we actually shouldn't want to happen.

Constraints and limitations make us IMPROVISE, RE-EVALUATE and make us more CREATIVE.

They force us to change our environment both internally and externally.

The obstacle is the way. We can look at it and play victim and think "poor me" and wonder why the world is picking on us. Or we can look at that obstacle and see it as an opportunity for growth. We get to decide to be the victim or the hero.

When we decide to look at these challenges that have been thrown at us as an opportunity for growth, then we are able to improvise and get creative to find solutions.

Being able to do that makes us more adaptable to change. That is what I strive to achieve with all of our clients...adaptability. As we have seen so far in 2020, each day and week are going to be different and we need to be able to roll with the punches and go with the flow and constantly seek growth. Or you can keep doing the same thing and expect the same results, which is the definition of insanity. While the external world might seem a bit insane, you get to choose how you want to react and respond and ultimately adapt.