Simple Ways to Improve Healing

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We know that the one thing in most people’s way of healing injuries is stress. It wreaks havoc on our bodies’ ability to deal with everything going on at once. When we are trying to grow and repair tissues we need to help the body out by finding ways to lower stress so we can invest our energy into healing and growing.

When life gets hectic, try one or more of these to help:

  • Put on some earphones and listen to relaxing music

  • Use the “phone a friend” option; sometimes talking with someone about your problems can really offload your stress.

  • Laughter is always a sure bet because it causes your body to release endorphins to improve mood. Watch a funny movie or read a funny book.

  • Do exercise—any exercise. You don’t have to go power lift at the gym. Just doing a few minutes of exercise, like a brisk walk or some jumping jacks gets your blood moving and your body releasing endorphins

“Take a deep breath” is not just a saying—it really works. Try this–sit up straight in a chair, feet flat on the floor and hands on top of your knees; breathe in and out slowly and deeply for about five minutes. You’ll be amazed at how great you feel. Remember that shallow breathing causes stress but deep breathing alleviates it by oxygenating your blood.

All of these techniques have been shown to have a positive effect on the brain and body; they lower both blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol. Find one that works for you and do it when you feel stressed. You’ll not only feel great, but you’ll heal in no time!

We live in a face paced world. Give yourself permission to relax! Be kind to yourself, your body will thank you.




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