

STOP PAIN NOW…Before Things Get Any Worse!

Our team of physical therapists will get you results.

Whether you are trying to get your life back after an injury, avoid a surgery, stop taking pain meds and/or improve your athletic performance, we can help!

Our programs are always CUSTOM-TAILORED to you and your needs. There is nothing cookie-cutter about it.

BTW - At Victory Performance and Physical Therapy, you will always be treated by a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy and never an aide or assistant.

Here’s where we brag a little bit…

We have helped people avoid back surgeries, even when doctors have said nothing else can be done.

We’ve taken people diagnosed with severe labral tears in their hip and got them back to big-wave surfing without surgery.

We have had the pleasure of being part of dad’s and mom’s journeys to get back to playing with their kids at the park without ANY worry of their body giving out, even though months before they had given up on being able to lead an active life, and written themselves off as just “being too old”.

If you would like us to be a part of your journey to living your best life too, give us a call or fill out the form and we’ll reach out to you.

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