Feeling Stuck? Here is How I Get Unstuck.

The myriad of ways the human body can move is incredible.

So why limit yourself to just going up/down, forward/backwards, with the same old conventional training?

How you do one thing is how you do everything. And if you only train one way it makes it difficult to adapt and do other things.

Only moving in those patterns gets you stuck in those patterns.

Being stuck in your workouts will lead to you being stuck in business, relationships, and your life.

Whenever I feel stuck I grab my skateboard, do my CARs, get out in nature, and set my body free.

Create more flow in your workouts and watch the epic ness of your life blast off!


PS>> Manny (our personal trainer) is back this weekend. He was at a Move Nat course last weekend to become a certified instructor. So if you are feeling stuck with your current workouts, book a session with him and he can show you a new approach to training that breaks you free from those same movement patterns and makes training fun again. The best way to get unstuck is to learn new things.

Here is the link to getting unstuck in your training: Get UNSTUCK!

if you only train one way it makes it difficult to adapt and do other things..png

14 Day Mobility Challenge


No Gym, No Problem