Mobility Workshop Sunday December 6th 9 am

Every day, people tell me about how they didn't realize how much their aches and pains were actually affecting their lives and keeping them from doing the things the love.⁠

⁠They can't understand why they let things get so bad before they finally sought help from professionals.⁠

⁠There’s no obvious reason why it happened (blame Corona) - but it doesn’t seem to be going away!⁠

⁠If that’s happening to you, you’re not alone.⁠

⁠After helping thousands of people suffering from aches and pains find a solution, I found a common theme: lack of moving their joints DAILY!⁠

⁠So we put together a free workshop filled with all of our best stuff to help you get rid of aches and pains AND prevent them from happening in the first place!⁠

⁠Sounds pretty good, right!?⁠


⁠You constantly find yourself with nagging injuries⁠

You have little time and want big benefits⁠

You value your health and want to age “gracefully”⁠

You want to improve your posture and stand and work at a computer without pain or fatigue.⁠

⁠WHEN: Sunday, 12/6 @ 9am PST⁠⁠

WHERE: ZOOM (duh) - register for the link⁠

⁠HOW LONG: 60 minutes⁠

I look forward to seeing you there and answering any and all questions about how you can stop those nagging pains for good!

Click the button below to sign up!


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